Enhance your career guidance sessions with MIRA® candidate profiles from Synchrocity
Unlock expert career guidance insights with MIRA

Powerful, intelligent job matching
MIRA® (My Integrated Resume Assessments) helps you build and manage enhanced client career profiles for online / remote career coaching, career counselling and organisational talent management, using industry-recognised frameworks for accurately assessing client career alignment and competence.
7,000 +
19,000 +
Learn the secrets of effective career conversations
Sign up for MIRA and you’ll get access to our library of specialist career coaching resources, tailored with personalised advice aligned to your individual personality preference profile.
Understand how your personality preferences affect your approach to work, communication, collaboration, creativity, stress, decision making, and relationships.
This booklet is written specifically for your Preference profile, offering insights and guidance on how to succeed in career coaching sessions with all the other Preference profile types.
By adapting the interview to the candidate’s unique profile, you will be able to better understand their strengths, weaknesses and motivation, and thus be able to identify the ideal match for your organization.
Build your digital coaching skills
"Me, as a Digital Career Coach" offers step-by-step guidance on how you can build highly personalised conversation plans that will take your career coaching services to the next level.